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    The Palestinian and Israeli responses to the Quartet ,   Ed. 36 Vol. 11 - December 12, 2011
    • "Israel's extremism is the reason" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Where do we go when these non-negotiations end?" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "More involvement is required " -   Mkhaimar Abusada
    • "The peace process has never been so irrelevant" -   Amnon Lord

    Ramifications of the Palestinian financial crisis ,   Ed. 35 Vol. 11 - December 05, 2011
    • "Not central to independence" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Ultimately crippling " -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "The fragility of the Palestinian economic situation " -   David Brodet
    • "Already having an impact" -   Mohammed Najib

    Israel's Jewish nationalist legislation and its Palestinian citizens ,   Ed. 34 Vol. 11 - November 28, 2011
    • "A symptom of the occupation" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Both sides are to blame " -   Yossi Alpher
    • "The rules of the game are being changed " - an interview with   Haneen Zoubi
    • "Anti-Arab laws and the appearance of democracy in Israel " -   Nadim N. Rouhana

    Ramifications of a Palestinian unity government ,   Ed. 33 Vol. 11 - November 21, 2011
    • "The regional Islamist circumstances are changing" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "The problem is not reconciliation" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Where reconciliation could fail or succeed " -   Amira Hass
    • "Is it possible to have a unity government with zero risks?" -   Maher Abukhater

    Ramifications of dissolving the Palestinian Authority ,   Ed. 32 Vol. 11 - November 14, 2011
    • "Simply not an option" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Gaza first" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Dissolving the Palestinian National Authority or considering a new strategic direction" -   Sameer Abu Eisheh
    • "Both sides would suffer" -   Yossi Beilin

    The latest Quartet initiative ,   Ed. 31 Vol. 11 - October 31, 2011
    • "Pointless and depressing" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "A serious challenge " -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "A dangerous illusion of conflict management " -   Akiva Eldar
    • "The Quartet facade " -   Sam Bahour

    The prisoner exchange and the peace process ,   Ed. 30 Vol. 11 - October 24, 2011
    • "No impact on a dead process" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Not relevant to the real issue" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Israel sets the terms " - an interview with   Mustafa al-Sawwaf
    • "Short-lived ramifications" -   Shlomo Brom

    The conflict at the UN ,   Ed. 29 Vol. 11 - September 26, 2011
    • "Three speeches, no progress " -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Price to be paid " -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Abu Mazen at the UN" -   Amnon Lord
    • "The new Abbas and the old Netanyahu" -   Hani al-Masri

    What will happen at the UN? ,   Ed. 28 Vol. 11 - September 19, 2011
    • "A new paradigm" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "The real meaning of the Palestinian UN bid" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "UN move more loss than gain" -   Saleh Abdel Jawad
    • "Palestinian statehood: a new status and its implications" -   Zvi Bar'el

    International efforts to avoid the Palestinian UN bid ,   Ed. 27 Vol. 11 - September 12, 2011
    • "The US is making a mistake " -   Yossi Alpher
    • "The moment of truth" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "International efforts will fail because western policy is bad " -   Barry Rubin
    • "Bluff called, pressure on " -   Omar Rahman

    Egypt's new role in the conflict ,   Ed. 26 Vol. 11 - September 05, 2011
    • "Until the dust settles" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Egypt, Gaza and the approaching UN vote " -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Telling Israel 'no' " - an interview with  Ghazi Hamad
    • "Israel's best response is still to renew negotiations " -   Itamar Rabinovich

    Palestinian and Israeli preparations for September ,   Ed. 25 Vol. 11 - August 22, 2011
    • "September can still produce something useful" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Don't believe the hype" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "After September comes October " -   Efraim Inbar
    • "Rallying for freedom " -   Abdullah Abu Rahme

    The settler "price tag" campaign ,   Ed. 24 Vol. 11 - August 15, 2011
    • "Introduce accountability" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "An inevitable byproduct of occupation" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Progeny of a colonial state" -   Yara Mansour
    • "Israelis in Judea and Samaria must uphold the law " -   Mordechai Kedar

    Ten years to the West Bank barrier ,   Ed. 23 Vol. 11 - August 08, 2011
    • "Justified, despite the many mistakes" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Illegal, unjust and ultimately destructive" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Building a future border " -   David Newman
    • "Still seeking victory" -   Sharif Omar

    Can Jerusalem still be the capital of two states? ,   Ed. 22 Vol. 11 - August 01, 2011
    • "Sabotage or arrogance?" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Only by prioritizing the issues" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Israel's settler mentality continues to prevail over Jerusalem " -   Mousa Qous
    • "Holding on by our fingernails" -   Daniel Seidemann

    Why the Quartet failed ,   Ed. 21 Vol. 11 - July 18, 2011
    • "Why the Quartet fears the UN track" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "An urgent need for intervention " -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Responsibility will rest with the Quartet " -   Akiva Eldar
    • "The Quartet and unimplemented peace " -   Nagi Shurrab

    An Israeli UN recognition proposal ,   Ed. 20 Vol. 11 - July 11, 2011
    • "A question of will, not semantics" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Frequently asked questions" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "September needs Israel's awakening and not politicians' bluffs " -   Mahdi Abdul Hadi
    • "They don't let the facts confuse their theories" -   Mordechai Kedar

    The PLO decision to ask for UN recognition ,   Ed. 19 Vol. 11 - July 04, 2011
    • "Why we are going to the UN " -   Yossi Alpher
    • "We are ready for freedom and independence" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "More diplomatic theater? " -   Gerald M. Steinberg
    • "The consensus was positive" - an interview with  Hanna Amireh

    Gilad Shalit and Palestinian prisoners ,   Ed. 18 Vol. 11 - June 27, 2011
    • "Let the suffering end" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Faulty strategic calculations" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "We also have feelings" - an interview with  Qadura Fares
    • "Doing everything possible? I don't believe them" -   Gershon Baskin

    The US and French negotiations initiatives ,   Ed. 17 Vol. 11 - June 20, 2011
    • "Why more pathetic attempts to revive a dead process?" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "The European position is key" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "What next?" -   Amnon Lord
    • "Political art at its worst " -   Sam Bahour

    Palestinian refugees and Arab revolution ,   Ed. 16 Vol. 11 - June 13, 2011
    • "Search for justice continues " -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Defend our borders, but make a gesture" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Growing momentum" - an interview with  Jamal Juma
    • "The empowerment of Arab society" -   Yossi Beilin

    Revisiting the Gaza blockade ,   Ed. 15 Vol. 11 - June 06, 2011
    • "Time to try a new option " -   Yossi Alpher
    • "A radicalizing factor" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Weakening the chances for peace " -   Ephraim Sneh
    • "Israel bears responsibility " -   Issam Younis

    Netanyahu's speech in Congress ,   Ed. 14 Vol. 11 - May 30, 2011
    • "No new ideas" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • ""Other places of critical strategic and national importance" " -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Despite the bluster, on to September" -   Nabeel Kassis
    • "At the heart of the Israeli consensus" -   Efraim Inbar

    Obama's evolving policy ,   Ed. 13 Vol. 11 - May 23, 2011
    • "Beware the ides of September" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Losing sight of the 1967 borders means losing sight of two states" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "The revolt of the masses" -   Aluf Benn
    • "Rights, but not for Palestinians" -   Saree Makdisi

    Hamas, the conflict and the unity government ,   Ed. 12 Vol. 11 - May 09, 2011
    • "Hamas has not turned the corner on Israel and violence" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Dialogue fosters moderation " -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Hamas has real sponsors " -   Barry Rubin
    • "An opportunity for Hamas moderation" -   Mkhaimar Abusada

    Ramifications of the Palestinian reconciliation agreement ,   Ed. 11 Vol. 11 - May 02, 2011
    • "Good news for peace" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Not a finished product" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Pressure from all sides" - an interview with  Samir Abu Eisheh
    • "Israel and the US should learn the lessons" -   Shlomo Brom

    Why is there no peace process? ,   Ed. 10 Vol. 11 - April 18, 2011
    • "More process than peace " -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "No one is really interested " -   Yossi Alpher
    • ""Just theater"" - an interview with  Issa Samandar
    • "A hollow, cynical concept" -   Amira Hass

    Six months to September ,   Ed. 9 Vol. 11 - April 04, 2011
    • "Returning to our references " -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "The wages of Palestinian ambiguity " -   Yossi Alpher
    • "A double-edged sword " - an interview with  Salah Bardawil
    • "And what happens then? " -   Ephraim Sneh

    The effect of changes in the Arab world - II ,   Ed. 8 Vol. 11 - March 28, 2011
    • "Ongoing, but more complex " -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Israelis and Palestinians, take note" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Arab democratic change can only help Palestinians " - an interview with  Samir Abdullah
    • "Don't end the revolution without the Palestinians " -   Zvi Bar'el

    The aftermath of the Itamar attack ,   Ed. 7 Vol. 11 - March 21, 2011
    • "Two wrongs don't make a right" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "It's just as well the world is busy elsewhere " -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Under guard of the soldiers" - an interview with  Qays Awwad
    • "Murder in Itamar: terrorist warfare and political warfare" -   Amnon Lord

    The effect of changes in the Arab world ,   Ed. 6 Vol. 11 - March 07, 2011
    • "Weak leaders responding poorly " -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Sharing the search for freedom" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "In an ideal world " -   Shlomo Avineri
    • "Shade to sunshine" - an interview with  Talal Okal

    Palestinian elections, the UN arena and the conflict ,   Ed. 5 Vol. 11 - February 21, 2011
    • "Preparing for September " -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Who is the biggest loser? " -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Learn the lessons" -   Saleh Abdel Jawad
    • "Dealing with the legitimacy issue " -   Ron Pundak

    Egypt and the peace process ,   Ed. 4 Vol. 11 - February 07, 2011
    • "Negative consequences already evident in Sinai " -   Yossi Alpher
    • "The revolution isn't over yet " -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Return to negotiations now " -   Smadar Perry
    • "A new axis in the making " - an interview with  George Giacaman

    Al-Jazeera leaks and the future of the peace process ,   Ed. 3 Vol. 11 - January 31, 2011
    • "Al-Jazeera and accountability" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Al-Jazeera lynch" -   Yossi Alpher
    • "Borders in the talks and in al-Jazeera leaks" -   Mohammed Najib
    • "There was indeed a partner" -   Aluf Benn

    Referendum ,   Ed. 2 Vol. 11 - January 17, 2011
    • "A theoretical but important discussion " -   Yossi Alpher
    • "International legality is not up for a vote" -   Ghassan Khatib
    • "Democratic inclusion vital for legitimacy " -   Gerald M. Steinberg
    • "Referendum crisis or peace crisis? " -   Nagi Shurrab

    Growing international recognition of a Palestinian state ,   Ed. 1 Vol. 11 - January 10, 2011
    • "A change in paradigm" - by  Ghassan Khatib
    • "An opportunity for Israel" - by  Yossi Alpher
    • "Pressuring Israel " - an interview with  Riad Malki
    • "Time for a new peace paradigm " - by  Shlomo Ben-Ami